Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Catch Up Post

It's been awhile since my last post so this will be a bit of a hodge - podge post. 

Jacob finished his first soccer season on Memorial Day weekend.
My parents, sister and nephew also visited us that weekend.  We enjoyed spending the weekend with them and headed to Brat Fest one of the days.  I have some pictures of Jacob's last game but forgot to take pictures the rest of the weekend=(

 A cute pic of Jacob and Lily.

The next time my camera came out was Wednesday June 8th.  We had tickets to the Mallards game.  The weather report didn't look promising but we headed out anyway.  We were able to pick up our free hats and sit in our seats... then it started to rain.  We hung out for a little but decided it was best to go home.  It was a very scary ride home for all because that was the night of the tornado in Verona.  It was a mild tornado, only tree damage but it felt pretty huge in the car.  When we finally made it home the power was already out and our yard was a disaster... all of our toys and things scattered around the yard.  After having ice cream by flashlight we headed to bed.

It was a good thing we decided to go to that Mallards game because we were able to get free rain out tickets.  The only way you get to go to another game is if you actually showed up to the rain out game.  So last night was a beautiful night for a baseball game.  We all had a great time and were very exhausted by the time we got home.

Here are a couple 'cheesy' pictures that I took with my phone.

And that's what has been going on at the Bindl house.  

Next to come..... Jacob starts tee ball June 25th (still working on getting Evan on that team)

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